The Strait Regional Centre for Education invites you to join our team and support the success of our children and youth.
The Strait Regional Centre for Education is currently accepting Expressions of Interest for potential early hire term teaching contracts for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Qualified teachers, or those who will be qualified by September 1, 2024, are invited to apply online for the following Expression of Interest postings:
The Strait Regional Centre of Education is committed to an inclusive education system that supports the well-being, achievement and success of every student and is high-quality, culturally and linguistically responsive.
Those selected as Early Hires will be offered a minimum of one year, fixed, 100% term contract, with associated salary and benefits.
Qualified candidates may apply online at www.srce.ca.
For more information, please contact the SRCE Human Resources Department at 902-625-7081.