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Postings are time-sensitive and show only current, open positions.
Should you experience technical difficulties when applying for positions with the Strait Regional Centre for Education, please email your concerns to [email protected]. Issues will be addressed during regular SRCE business hours.

The Strait Regional Centre for Education uses SuccessFactors to advertise Employment Opportunities.
In order to view vacancies posted internally only and to apply as an internal candidate, login using the "Employee Access Tab” shown below. If internal candidates need information regarding their login and/or password, please contact the Human Resources Department.

SRCE Employment related forms to be completed
Forms to be completed:
Successful candidate for an employment opportunity, Candidates for Casual employment and Substitute Teaching
Your appointment and approval will be pending clear records check which will include a current Vulnerable Sector Check (which includes a Criminal Record Check) and a Child Abuse Register Search. You will also need to provide the Human Resources Department with Direct Deposit information for payroll purposes. Please use the following forms, process as indicated and forward to the Strait Regional Centre for Education's Human Resources Department.
Vulnerable Sector Check (which includes a Criminal Record Check) Effective November 1st, 2013, the forms are currently available at your local RCMP detachment. They will process the check and provide you a report. Please forward the original copy of the report to the Human Resources Department.
Child Abuse Register Search - please complete the Form A and attach a copy of your NS Driver's license or a copy of your NS Health Card. Then return these for processing to the Child Abuse Registry, Department of Community Services (address is on the form). For more information and how to apply (including online) for a Child Abuse Register Search, please access Child Abuse Register (CAR) Request for Search.
Direct Deposit Information - please complete the form and if applicable, attach a copy of a void cheque. Forward to the Human Resources Department.
In addition, as a hire of the Strait Regional Centre for Education (SRCE), you must:
Human Resources Policies
Student Protection Policy
Student Protection Administrative Procedures
V-A-2 Recruitment, Hiring and Retention of Employees
V-A-2 Recruitment, Hiring and Retention of Employees Procedures
V-A-5 Employment Equity
V-A-5 Employment Equity Procedures
V-B-5 School Board Staff Conflict of Interest