For any questions related to student success planning, please contact Elizabeth Teasdale, Coordinator of Student Success Planning, 902-625-7083.
Student Success Planning guides the public school system in Nova Scotia in using an equitable and systematic way of planning school improvement with identifying measurable goals that are rigorous yet attainable. Through the process, educators and partners are empowered to engage in collaborative efficacy that promotes a cycle of continuous improvement leading to measurable progress in student well-being and achievement in literacy and mathematics.
The Student Success Plan is a living document, changing and improving as schools analyze student evidence of learning and choose strategies to impact the literacy, mathematics, and well-being success of every student.
The guiding principles of Student Success Planning (SSP) provide an overview of what is required for the implementation process to be effective:
- Collective Focus: There is a collective focus on equitable and quality education to support the well-being and achievement of every student.
- Ongoing Collaboration: Ongoing teacher collaboration is supported to improve culturally, linguistically, and socially responsive planning, instruction, and assessment practices.
- Evidence Informed Strategy: Evidence-based decision-making actions are supported by effective strategies grounded in current educational research.
- Responsiveness: Schools’ actions/strategies are continuously reviewed, and adjusted as required, to be responsive and matched to students’ strengths, interests, and challenges relative to well-being and achievement. WELL-BEING LITERACY MATHEMATICS U Y 2 Prepared by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Education, July 2022.
- Authentic Partnerships: An authentic collaborative partnership between home, school, and community is critical to support and strengthen a child’s well-being and achievement.
- Teacher Efficacy: A climate of teacher efficacy is fostered across and within school learning teams and system leadership.
- Professional Development: Continual job-embedded professional learning is supported within the system.
- Flexible MTSS: The three tiers of instructional practices, supports, and interventions, as outlined in Multi-Tiered System of Supports: A Quick Guide, are used flexibly to be responsive to and impact students’ well-being and achievement.
- Defined Priorities: All partners are focused on the achievement of strategies and defined actions of the Student Success Plan and on prioritizing timelines to demonstrate impact.
- Ongoing Support: School administrators are supported as they implement the Student Success Plan by harnessing the collective wisdom of partners to lead, monitor, and evaluate their evidence of impact.
- Inclusive Impact: School administrators and system leaders ground conversations regarding student well-being and achievement in the work of SSP with a focus on respectful and inclusive environments, student learning, and the impact of instruction.