Strait Regional Centre for Education Celebrates Mi'kmaw History Month 2024: Food Gathers Us Together / Mijipjewey Na Mawa'luksi'k

October 1 is Treaty Day and marks the beginning of Mi’kmaw History Month in Nova Scotia. Throughout the year, and especially in October, teachers incorporate a variety of educational activities in their classroom instruction to highlight the connection of our past to today and how this information shapes our understanding of our shared history. In addition, schools organize activities to enhance Treaty Education.
Treaty Day and Mi’kmaw History Month is an opportunity for each of us to reflect on our own understanding of the important history, culture, contributions, achievements and traditions of the Mi’kmaw community.
The theme of Mi’kmaw History Month 2024 is Food Gathers Us Together. As the provincial poster shares, “food gathers us together for celebration, nourishment and comfort. It is central to our ceremonies, considered part of our medicines, and key to our resiliency. Sharing freely honours each other and blesses our families and communities so no one is harmed or struggles. The long-ago treaties with the first plants and animals of Mi'kma'ki require us to love and to protect ms+t no'kmaq (all our relations). Living through the values and ways of netukulimk over thousands of years has carried our communities through times of abundance and scarcity.”
In the spirit of peace, friendship, truth and reconciliation, the Strait Regional Centre for Education encourages students, staff, parents, guardians, families and community partners to share in the celebration of Mi’kmaw History Month 2024.
We Are All Treaty People. Every Child Matters / E’tasiw mijuaj’jij sespete’tasit.
There are a number of valuable educational on-line resources included below that will provide information and insight into the contributions of people of Mi'kmaq heritage in Nova Scotia, Canada and the world.
Treaty Relationship and Education Nova Scotia
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
Mi'gmaq/Mi’kmaq Online Talking Dictionary Project
Mi’kmaw History Month
Mi’kmaq Rights Initiative-Kwilmu’kw Maw-Klusuaqn
Mi’kmaq Services: Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre
New Journeys
Office of L’nu Affairs - Province of Nova Scotia
Peace and Friendship Treaties
Tepi’ketuek Mi’kmaw Archives
The Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq
Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq