SRCE Students Compete at the Canada Wide Science Fair 2023; Three Students Earn Bronze Medals and Scholarship Awards

Congratulations to students Beth Tubman, Elise Munro, Donell O’Connor and Nila Munro, and Teachers Tracy MacIsaac (SAERC) and Stephanie MacDonald (Dalbrae Academy) who represented the Strait Regional Centre for Education extremely well at the Canada Wide Science Fair held in Edmonton, Alberta from May 14 to 19, 2023. This is the first in-person Canada Wide Science Fair since 2019.
Special congratulations to Beth Tubman, Donell O’Connor and Nila Munro who earned a Bronze Medal and a scholarship from Western University for their projects. Elise Munro earned a Bronze Medal at the 2022 virtual Canada Wide Science Fair.
Please see the project information below:
During the week, students shared their research and findings with judges from across the country, spoke with and learned from experts in the field of their respective projects and experienced the Edmonton area through visits to museums, botanical gardens, and the science centre. Students visited the STEM-expo which included many hands-on activities presented by industry and universities, where they explored a variety of science topics. In addition, they spent the day at the University of Alberta campus where they participated in hands-on labs including examining an ice core that represents more than 10,000 years of changes to our climate, viewed 3D modeling of bones and joints for better fitting prosthetics, and learned about the latest technology in bionic limbs.
Participation in the 2023 Canada Wide Science Fair was a wonderful learning opportunity for students to participate in a variety of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) activities, connect with students from across the country, make lasting friendships and memories that will last a lifetime.